Grateful Times

     It’s taken me a little while to write and I’m sorry about that but I hope that todays post can redeem me a little :)

    Things lately have been pretty good. Great actually. When we first cam back from St. George after the craziness with Lexi and her health things were looking pretty crummy. I struggled daily because I saw some things that caused me pain mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. I felt like I experienced every emotion humanly possible because the future was so uncertain. 

    I had just watched my wife endure the most scary and difficult time of our entire marriage, and all I could do was watch. I had the doctors tell me on multiple occasions that things were pretty serious and that it wasn’t looking good for our near future. Fast forward roughly two months and things are still hard. They are still scary. But we are in a place I honestly wasn’t sure we would ever be able to get back to. I posted last week about the fun adventure Lexi and I had at Target. The joy and happiness that little date gave me is indescribable. Well guess what, this week we got to go on ANOTHER DATE! We were able to go to Buffalo Wild Wings together, and laugh and talk about life again. After that, we went and got Lexis Nails done. Now to most people that may not seem like much. To me personally though it means the world. A few months ago I was unsure if I would ever have the luxury of taking my Lexi out on a date again. I thought our time together was going to be spent around nurses and feeling sick all day everyday. 

    Although Lexis strength right now isn’t super great, its way better than it was supposed to be. The fact that we are here is a Miracle. The fact that she is improving is a Miracle. Those dates, they are a Miracle. And I am grateful for every single one of those miracles. Lately I have been filled with an extreme amount of gratitude. Life is still hard and confusing at times because we still don't know what is going to happen. I’ve been very blessed though because I have been learning a lot during this trial of ours. Patience has been one of my biggest struggles here in mortality. The last two months have been no different. I have had to learn how to communicate with doctors and nurses on another level, and when they don’t consider things right, or make small errors Ive been able to keep my cool and address what we need calmly. That hasn’t always been true. Especially down in St. George when everything was just starting to develop. So I am grateful for the opportunity I have to grow in that department.

    I’m also extremely grateful for the fact that I get to work on being my like my Savior Jesus Christ. Some of the most basic things still come as a struggle to Lexi some days. I’m grateful to her for allowing me to be by her side and help her when she needs it. I know it’s embarrassing for her at times because she feels like she should be doing more in the moment, but I am so grateful that I am able to be there for her for literally the smallest things. Lexi is always trying to do more when she is feeling up to it, but those days aren’t super common right now. Because of that I have the wonderful opportunity everyday to listen and learn more about her, and her needs, which I feel helps me be a better husband in our marriage. That I am EXTREMELY grateful for. 

    Gratitude has been one of the biggest blessings in my life. When I am grateful I find that hard times turn out to be not as hard. When I am grateful it seems like I hear more frequently how often people are praying for us or thinking of us. When I am grateful life seems to be filled with more joy. I know that for many of you thinks are the same as well. When you think of things you are grateful for, it seems like you run into more things to be grateful for. If you think of things that are hard and negative, it seems like we attract more problems and issues. 

    Life isn’t guaranteed to any of us. Today may be wonderful and tomorrow might be the hardest day of our entire lives. So lets not waste a moment or opportunity for a good day. Let’s all go out and seize the day. If you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, try and reset yourself. Take a warm shower and say I am grateful for a warm shower today. If you’re having a rough work day because others are dragging you down and being negative, find someone else to help cheer you up. I have found that when I do something even as small as smile at someone it lifts my spirits, and it usually makes their day a little better too! Find things to help you be happy. If you feel like you are struggling or like you’ve been in a rut that’s ok. I totally understand. I have my days and weeks too. You are not alone. One thing I was taught some time ago is that if I am having a hard time, to make a list of all the things that are going good for me in my life. 

    I promise you if you take the time to sit down and make a list of things going good in your life, you’ll also find things to be grateful for, and you’ll also see that God is looking over you more than you may realize. I have to do that regularly when I am feeling overwhelmed and struggling. That being said, it doesn’t eliminate the issues or struggles. But it does help you find the courage and strength to take on the day and overcome those issues and struggles. 

    In short, I am grateful for my life. I have a beautiful and loving wife. I have a great family that is supporting and there for us. I have a knowledge of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. That in and of itself is enough to ease some of my pains and struggles. I have a wonderful friends who are constantly praying and checking in on me. I have a great life. A life filled with challenges for sure, but a great life nonetheless. I will forever be grateful for that. 

    I hope and pray that this week we can all seek those things that would help us find gratitude in our everyday life as well. I highly recommend writing down a list like I mentioned earlier. If it can help a stubborn and crazy 22 year old kid, I’m sure it can help plenty of others as well. But most importantly I pray that we can all find love with those nearest to us. Don’t take life for granted. Every day is a gift. Make the most of it, and surround yourself with happiness and good :)


  1. Love your blog and love Alexis’s posts

  2. i am grateful for the example all of you staffords & goulds have been to me. prayers for more date nights.

  3. Thank you Patty! Thank you for your prayers as well

  4. Loves to you both! Your both amazing examples!❤️🎗💛


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